St. Joe Monument
St. Joe Monument Works is a full-service retail cemetery and civic memorial company located in Benton Harbor, Michigan. At our Napier Avenue location, we feature a large indoor showroom, as well as an outdoor display. Our skilled designers guide each family through the process of selecting and personalizing a lasting tribute for their loved one. The range of possibilities is limitless. Memorials can be traditional or contemporary, featuring carved designs or custom diamond-point etchings. They may reflect a person's deep faith or a favorite hobby, the beauty of nature or a life's work. Once the completed design has been approved, the memorial is carved and lettered in our shop. We take pride in our craftsmanship, knowing that each memorial we erect is an enduring symbol of a treasured life.
About Us
Bill and Genie Cooper have owned and operated the St. Joe Monument Works since 1978. Bill's training in sculpture and Genie's interest in design, along with and experienced staff, ensure satisfaction from concept through completion. the emphasis is on personalized memorials, with custom designs the norm, rather than the exception. We utilize a wide variety of techniques, ranging from hand chiseling to computer-aided design. We also offer standard products and services such as bronze cemetery or commemorative plaques, vases, urns, statues and final date lettering.
St. Joe Monument
1875 E Napier Ave
Benton Harbor MI 49022
Tel: 269 925-7003
